Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Handsome Inside and Out!

Who could ever learn to love a beast?

The fairytale begins on a cold, stormy night, an old woman begs and offers the Prince a rose. When the Prince selfishly tells her to go away the beggar magically changes into a beautiful enchantress. She cast a spell on him, turning the Prince into a hideous beast and his servants into objects. The spell would only be broken if he could learn to love another and earn that person's love in return before the last petal fell off the enchanted rose. An inventor's daughter named Belle lived in a small village, not too far from the Beast's castle. Everyone in town thought Belle and her father, Maurice, were strange except the handsome hunter Gaston. He intended to marry Belle but she was not interested because he was conceited and selfish. One day Maurice sets off to the fair to try to win first prize for his newest invention. Unfortunately, he gets lost along the way and separated from his horse. Looking for help, he wanders into the Beast's enchanted castle. The Beast soon discovers Maurice and takes him prisoner. When her father's horse returns home alone, Belle knew something was wrong. She sets off to find her father and soon she also wanders into the Beast's castle.  She finds him locked away and begs the Beast to let her switch places with her father. The Beast agrees and tells her "But you must promise to stay here forever." In time, Belle and the Beast became friends. One day, Gaston and the villagers break into the enchanted castle to kill the hideous Beast. They were surprised to find the enchanted objects in the castle defending their master and their home.  Gaston and the Beast fight. Gaston falls off the castle roof, but not before badly injuring the Beast. Belle finds the Beast lying on the floor dying. While crying she confesses her love for the Beast. The Beast and the enchanted objects magically transform back into their human forms. Belle and her prince danced together, knowing that they would both live happily ever after.

Traditional stories are characterized by many of the same elements found in fiction, but these elements typically possess unique qualities that help distinguish the two genres from another. "The Beauty and the Beast" is a fairytale with a predictable plot and vague setting. The story starts with "Once upon a time" and is concluded with the phrase, "live happily ever after." The characters are symbolic; Belle is all good and Gaston is all evil. The Prince was selfish at the beginning of the story but love had restored kindness to his heart. The motifs in the text are magic, journeys, and transformations. The enchantress uses magic to cast a spell that turns the Prince into a hideous beast and his servants into objects. Belle's love transforms the Beast back into a Prince and his servants back into their human form. The old woman beggar transforms into a beautiful enchantress when the Prince turns her away. The Beast has a magic mirror that allows him to see whoever he wants when he looks in the mirror. He also has an enchanted rose that cannot be touched. The fairytale also includes journeys. Maurice travels to the fair but gets lost along the way and becomes the Beast's prisoner. Belle sets off to find her father. Gaston and the villagers journey to the enchanted castle to find and kill the hideous beast. The enchantress possesses supernatural powers such as the ability to cast spells and transform people or things. "Beauty and the Beast" is great to use for traditional literature because it is considered fantasy.


  1. I love your description of what makes this story traditional literature! You both have really covered so many of the elements that you found throughout the book. You have plot, setting, motifs, and much more. Great Job!

  2. "Beauty and the Beast" is a great example of traditional literature. I never realized how many motifs and other elements are present in this story. The transformation of the beast, and the magic that occurs are both examples of motifs. I think the students will be engaged in reading this story in the classroom. It has the "happily ever after" for the girls, a beast for the boys, and elements to match the standards for the teacher! Makes everyone happy! -Kaitlyn Morefield

  3. I never realized that the story "Beauty and the Beast" had so many element of traditional literature in it. I think students will not realize this either until they look at this story more in depth. This would be a great way to teach the different elements of traditional literature. I think students would have a fun time searching for these different elements in this fun, loving children's book. The way you described the different motifs in this story was great. It made me see motifs that I have never seen before. Great job!
    ---Meghan Ward

  4. I, too, think that this would be a great book to use while teaching traditional literature. Kids are so excited about Disney movies and stories that this would intrigue them even more. Although I have seen the movie many times before, I have never looked at all the characteristics of the story which makes it traditional literature. Teaching traditional literature through this book may get the students thinking about some of their favorite Disney movies differently than how they normally think of them, and they may even love to look at some of their other favorites to see if they are based on traditional literature stories as well. - Karli Thompson

  5. This is a classic example of the "happily ever after" story, and a great one at that! Most children have either seen the movie or know what it is about, and I think that they would be excited to read the book (a reader's theater would be so cute)! I love that you pointed out the symbolism of good and evil. Good job!

  6. Beauty and the Beast is an all time favorite of mine. Using stories like this could gain interest by students and encourage them to learn more about traditional literature. If students read something they are entertained by, then they will be more apt to learn. Stories like this that have been turned into movies will surely gain their attention.~Amanda Daughtry

  7. This is a great classic story that I remember as a young child. This is a book that I think children should read. This story is very different from all the other traditional literature stories where as this one has a beast that she falls in love with. This will show children that its completely fine to be different or any other morals they can gain from this book.-Dianne

  8. I remember this as the Disney version, and The movie and book, both, are amazing! This is a classic to me because it shows that you should care about more than just what you see on the outside of people, you should care about what is on the inside even more. This book would be great to use in a classroom! Thank you for sharing it! ~ Jennifer

  9. I love classic stories that end in "happily ever after," and I especially love this one! I never realized how much traditional literature is in this story until you really look at it! Once the story is looked at more closely, there are many characteristics, such as magic, transformations, good and evil, and the long journeys. I feel like this would be an excellent choice for teaching young (or older) children about traditional literature because of all its elements! -Lindsay

  10. This has got to be one of my all time favorites. I absolutely love this movie/book and everything that it entails. I think I could watch this movie over and over and never get tired of it. This book incorporates all of the elements needed to make it a good traditional book. The setting, plot, characteristics, theme, and motifs are all easily seen within this book. I especially love that the Beast is no match for Belle, and that her character posses that of strength and beauty. Great Book!!

  11. You guys did a great job summarizing the story and keeping it interesting. This is one of my all-time favorites. Since this is such a popular fairytale most children will already be familiar with the story and what it's about. There is so much evidence of why this is traditional literature which would make it easier for children to understand and find the elements on their own.

  12. I love Beauty and the Beast! It is a great fairy tale to use to teach traditional literature. The predictions get the students involved in the lesson. I also like that the characters are either all evil or all good because we can use this to teach students that they have choices to be good or bad. In other words we can teach them manners.~ Katrice Gates

  13. I have not thought about it before, but Beauty and the Beast does have a predictable story line. Even though, the beast is all manly and rugged, I would probable not use this because I do not think the boys would enjoy this as much. I do believe that all students would enjoy the talking household items. (Britani)

  14. This is one of my favorite fairy tales! I especially love the literature motif where the people are under a witches spell, and they transform into a tea cup, candelabra, clock, and beast! It is typical fairy tale with a happy ending, but that is what is so endearing about it. It is certainly a classic that children of all ages will love for many years. I will certainly use this book in my reading classes.--Elma

  15. I love this story! I really like how the magical element that makes it traditional literature can teach a great message to the students "Never judge a book by it's cover." This classical story will forever remain in the children's hearts as I know it did mine. I would definitely use this classic in my classroom to teach about traditional literature! Great Job!

  16. This story was very popular in my house when I was younger. It uses magic to change the beast into a man. This is considered the motif of the story. This is a great example of traditional literature and would be popular in the classroom.

  17. I think this is a great example of traditional liturature and can be taught in the classroom easily. GREAT JOB!! Beauty and the Beast is my favorite. -Trey

  18. Beauty and the Beast is such a wonderful book and can be used in the classroom for so many things! I love the lesson that can be taught from this story, such as being proud of yourself and "dont judge a book by its cover" type lesson. I really enjoyed this example and explanation of this traditional literature book! Great post

