Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"Let's have one day for girls and boyses 
When you can make the grandest noises"

If there was one day to make noises, how would you make the grandest noise? Would you "Toot a whistle, kick a can, Bang a spoon against a pan?" "Noise Day" is one of the many poems in FALLING UP by Shel Silverstein. The poem is about all the grandest noises girls and boys can make for "One day a year do all of these, The rest of the days-be quiet please." "Noise Day" incorporates elements of sound  like rhythm, onomatopoeia, and rhyme schemes to highlight storytelling though using vivid and auditory words. The rhyme scheme is a,a,b,b,c,c,d,d,e,e,f,f,g,g,h,h,i,i,j,j,k,k.

"Use a drill, drive a nail,
Turn the hose on the garbage pail,
Shout Yahoo-Hurrah-Hooray,
Turn up the music all the way,"

There are numerous examples of onomatopoeia in the poem like "Screech, buzz, clang, yahoo, hurrah, hooray." Rhythm is the heartbeat of the poem. The words and lines are organized so that the rhythm pushes the poem forward. Yell, scream, sing, and whistle are the noises we'd make if given an entire day to make the grandest noise!


  1. Katrice Gates- I enjoyed this poetry book because it allows students to use their imagination. The students can also be invited to create their own onomatopoeias to add to the story. The students will enjoy making all the noises in the poetry book which will add more life to the story.

  2. Shel Silverstein is a great way to introduce children to poetry! All of his books allow the reader to enter a world of his guidance, and have fun! I have always enjoyed his works. He has so many elements of poetry, they would be easy to catch on to for students. I think students will enjoy it immensely! ~ Jennifer Deaver

  3. Shel Silverstein has always been one of my favorite poets. She has such a wide variety of poems. I think it is a good thing to be able to introduce a poet to the classroom who can show a variety of poetry. Her poems are also easy to read. (Britani)

  4. This is one of my favorites and one of the very first books I added to my poetry collection. Silverstein writes in a fun and exciting way that gets children talking and giggling all the while immersing themselves in poetry. It's a great start in getting children talking about and reading poetry. -Lauryn Stripling
